Saturday, January 9, 2010

IMDD : Season 1, Episode 5: The Rebirth

Adaptations form a leading source of inspiration for major screenplays-in history and currently. People adapt them for various reasons- it may be because of their obsession or may be because of its sheer brilliance, it may even be because of its commercial value alone. Adapted screenplays form an important platform for those movies, novels, books, characters,real life stories, incidents which do not get much of public attention during the time they actually happen but those tales are meant to be told to the audience, to us. As people deserve to know what they are supposed to know and what they are not supposed to know.

Many viewers criticize the whole concept of adaptations, they think they are not creative enough to suit and do justice with the original. They are so emotionally bound to the original piece they just shut off themselves from revisiting the same experience through a different source. But what they seem to forget is that how many times it had happened when we liked an adaptation only then we have visited the original. They forget one thing that its not always a one way route, sometimes people get to know the original when they see an adaptation for the same, it might have to do with the whole generation concept.

The writers who adapts any such pre-existing material should always remember one thing in their minds- they need to come up to a certain expectation of the people who have faith in the original, whatever might be the truth, whatever might be the hidden story because sometimes the truth isn't good enough, sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded. They deserve to see a rebirth of their faith, they deserve to relive the whole experience in those 3 hours alone.




running thoughts said...

That's pretty much true and to a certain extent it's a positive thing to reincarnate at a later stage to make it reach to the larger audience and yea once it's given to the audience they should be rewarded with the best what they deserve!!

Deepak Dubey said...

-Ashish.. thats the whole point, the adapted screenplays should be handled more delicately than the original ones...because the margin of error is minimal

Harsh Verma said...

Was a short read/write. Was expecting to read on more, but it ended too soon :)

Deepak Dubey said...

Harsh- i wanted to keep it short and crisp because its just an idea... a thought ... but the discussions can come in quite handy as share what you want to.. then lets just add on

abhinav narain said...

nicely written !
especially the last para ...

Why the hell am i here said...

Pretty insightful essay! Kudos DD!

Adapted Screenplays will on most occasions fail to do justice to the prose. The answer may lie in the working of human brain.
While reading, each occurence/character /incident creates images,almost a running movie in our minds which are/is unique and directly corelate with our own personal experiences.
When we find a disconnect between our own little movie and the theatre movie, a certain degree of reconciliation is required, which makes the theatre movie experience seem not so good..
The human mind can assimilate information only upto a certain rate. The prose treats each piece of information sequentially,which gives more time to the reader.On the other hand,A screenplay has several layers of it, each being played simultaneously.The bombardment of information that comes with each frame does not give the viewer enough time to appreciate the tiniest of resemblances betwen the play and prose....
Also since reading and watching excite different areas of the human brain, and the fact that prose and screenplay are judged are entirely different criteria- comparing the two would be like comparing apples with oranges... :)
(p.s : sorry for helluva long comment..was lazying off..:)

Deepak Dubey said...

-Rishi.. comparing a prose and a screenplay might be like comparing an apple with an orange for the person who has seen either of them not both-on the other hand if a prose lets say is an apple....then that person while viewing the screenplay would definitely expect an apple..and then its totally up to the efficiency of the writer whether he serves an apple or an orange..hence the comparison.. because sometimes one doesn't need a reason to compare..they compare just because..its there

amadeus said...

nice blog dude......
waiting for a follow-up ....