Thursday, December 3, 2009

IMDD : Season 1, Episode 2: The Vibe

People ask a question -which is your favorite movie? n I tell 'em - i don know, do you want me to have a favorite one? do you want me to have your stereotypical influence on me to define my favorite movie- oh no- theres always more to it my friend- for some its about scripts, direction,sexy stars fucking-for some its about glamor, nudity-we all like a bit of everything mixed like a great sensuous cocktail of everything, ain't it . But what people seem to skip is that its never about 'em. Its always about the vibe, the fucking vibe my friend which you get while watching a cinematic piece. If that vibe tells you that it was an honor to watch that piece, you say its good but when that vibe gets fucked up so does the movie for you, of course. And the moment you get that vibe of positivity- you get your masterpiece you had been looking for, you get your FAVORITE. It generally happens that people don't like a particular movie for the first time, but you show them again-they shit their pants and cry out loud-"This is definitely my favorite movie of all time" (happens with movies like- The Sixth Sense, Mulholland dr.) . It happened with me when I watched Fight Club. It stunk during my first watch because I thought I had seen movies on similar concepts before, this shit is boring,- I was surrounded by the captivity of negativity concept -that kinda vibe. After a couple of years I watched it again- and there I was - my masterpiece,my fucking masterpiece. But this is only momentarily, it exists till that vibe exists. Once you get to see another masterpiece, that particular vibe takes over and there you are screaming again-"This one is definitely my favorite movie of all time,fuck Fight Club-this was some interesting shit".

Actually it never mattered whether- The Dark Knight was my favorite or 300 -what mattered was that I felt honored when I came out. I felt like saying to the people who were outside- this is it, this is what you had been waiting for-this is THE ultimate thing that could happen in cinema. Come inside, feel it- feel the aura inside, keep yourself high, forget about sex,forget about orgasms- accept the vibe,appreciate what needs to be appreciated and accept it until you find another one of your masterpiece.




prashant misra said...

mind urs fuking lanaguage else everything is quite too fucking sexy man .......have waited 4 u soo long nd now dat u've banged on floor its not easy to resist u ...superb blog or say mind boggling episode ;)

Unknown said...

yes.. i do agree with you... but VIBE can be only for few days.. few hours.. for few seconds or may be less.. it dampens out with time.. the only thing which keeps it with you is the impulse which you have got after watching THE movie.

harsh diksiht said...

dude it all depends on your mood...for me a good movie is something where i don't go to sleep while watching it and second where i don't feel like forwarding the movie and watch it in one go... for me movies like " Man from Earth", "MATRIX"(part 1 only), "Fight Club", "12 Angry Men" fall in this category. and one thing have you watched " The Godfather" what kind of mood do you require for this movie. I started it 4 times and every time fell to sleep.. :(

Deepak Dubey said...

exactly, thats what i said.. vibe comes from the movie .. its you or your mood as you call it have to accept or reject.... sometimes evn i din except..

harsh diksiht said...

you haven't answered my question regarding "Godfather"

chilz said...

great going man. The vibe concept does make a lot of sense. I do remember a discussion with one of our dear friends when he declared Kung Fu Panda as the THE BEST MOVIE EVER. Ultimately I wasn't able to convince him that its not the last 'THE BEST'.Perhaps I will post him a link to your blog. :)

girijesh said...

for me, a movie is good, if it shocks me.. I dont feel the vibe untill I am struck strongly enough..

Mullholland Drive & Conversation were one of those kinda movies...

I support DD's view that you dont need to have a favourite.. but what if after so many years of watching so many movies from so many genres.. you dont lose the impact of the movie..... How on this earth cant I name "Conversation" as my "the best movie" ...

Deepak Dubey said...

harsh .. Godfather is indeed a kind of movie where it tests the patience with time, it is slow and lacks pace...but it takes time to develop characters.. stories.... nearly half an hour opening wedding scene symbolizes such aspects where Italians are portrayed as family men and the entire business they do is to bring food on the table.... it forms the major life style of Italian mafia.. There is a lot of depth to it.For Italian mafia-business and their family go hand in hand... you will find the similar links with The Sopranos (tv series) .. the things they do to keep their business and family together is excruciating.

Deepak Dubey said...

Girijesh .. as i said till the time you don't find your new favorite... loose yourself to the current....but if you watch any good movie in future .. (or any old ones).. do not hesitate to make it your favorite ...thinking that you already got one ... and since you like the whole shock me concept .. vacate the top spot..thinking...once in a while there will come a movie that will shock me even more...n the one after that ... till then you already have your favorite.

Deepak Dubey said...

chillar.. thanks for the support man .. yeah sure .. forward it to him ... and sometimes in movies.. THE BEST is always yet to come .... it broadens the horizons.. and you start accepting things without much resistance.

Unknown said...

Giri, I agree with you partly but I wont say that a movie is gud if it shakes me up but I would say the other way round....Wont you consider "Blood Diamond" or "Saving Private Ryan" as good movies...
Just out of curiosity is the above discussion specific to Hollywood Movies or generalized over Bollywood Movies too?

Gaurav said...

well....vibe is important part of movie experience. But it is not the vibe but our expectations that make a movie remarkable one.
have a look at the movies mentioned in the post and comments. Most of them are not related to "real-life". We just want to see either a superhero doing some non-real fictional thing(eg. dark knight) or something really good for humanity(eg. blood diamond).
Sometimes the reviews that keep insisting that "this" movie is good. We watch the same movie again and again and finally we agree to the reviews.
If you don't like the movie then don't watch it again. Neither the director nor you want to watch it again. But you know some compelling factors that i am mentioning here.

abhinav narain said...

kya hindi mein fucking nahi keh paate ho ?
tumhar blog bak*chod* hai !

Unknown said...

@ Himanshu
Of course, Blood Diamond and Saving Private Ryan were exceptional in their own ways... Its not about rating the movies..It's more like telling the difference between admiring a girl and loving her.. The choice varies from person to person.. maybe someday you meet a person who shocks you with his/her uniqueness to the limit that, you are completely dazed by him/her ... and then the effect lasts so long that you may never be able to transcend it.. same way.. now I think I explained what I meant..

Unknown said...

Aint No Saint == Girijesh
I donno whats wrong I am doing I am not able to post under my name..

Deepak Dubey said...

Himanshu- the above discussion is not strictly for hollywood movies- we are just talking about our favorite- it can be from any country, any language.

You know your taste of movies- they need not be the ones with all the "shock me up" concept at all.

Deepak Dubey said...

Gaurav- committing yourself to any review as for that matter totally depends on you and in fact on the review/reviewer too. What they call a four or a five star rating might be just another zero starer for you. You form your own opinion after watching a movie. YOU know the best and the worst part.

We all like a bit of fantasy don't we. But let me correct if I am wrong- most of the real life movies are in fact about pain and suffering and it always ends with the viewer empathizing with the protagonist/s. For any emotional person- that might be his/her favorite but for you- you don't think yourself in general, you want to have your own